Experience of use Promicil

Erica Manzano, Genoa

In the review, I want to talk about the successful experience of using Promicil cream. Unfortunately, after a few visits to the pool, I noticed irritation on my feet and between my toes.Erica Manzano of Genoa for cream PromicilTherefore, a drug was needed to treat a fungal infection.

Choice of medicine

Doctors prescribe antifungal drugs with a chemical composition. This did not suit me, I wanted a preparation containing a maximum of plant components. It took me a long time to choose the drug with the desired effect. Read forums and reviews online. As a result, I settled on Promicil cream. I liked the ingredients and the price. Plus, the drug was 50 percent off. I placed an order online and received the package 5 days later. Paid Promicil on receipt.


How to use Promicil, read in the instructions. Three times a day, she smears the affected areas with the cream, after washing and drying the skin. A few days later, the unpleasant itching disappeared completely, and two weeks after the start of the treatment, I got rid of the symptoms of the fungus. An added bonus was the smooth and clear skin. The dryness of the legs also disappeared, the thick keratinized layer that tormented me for so long, which I could not get rid of for a long time, disappeared.

Based on my experience, I recommend the use of the cream to anyone who has diseases related to a fungal infection. Promicil really works, cures the disease quickly and the effect lasts for a long time. For prevention, I constantly repeat the course, because I constantly go to the pool and gym.